What is the Grazing Land Management Methodology?
The methodology describes the approach to achieve and quantify reductions in Fine Sediment (FS) from rural landscapes through improved grazing land management.
The aim is to increase farm productivity and resilience, improve overall soil health, and reduce fine sediment run-off to the Great Barrier Reef.
Projects under this method may occur in conjunction with other ecosystem service market opportunities, specifically soil carbon farming on grazing lands.
Sediment calculations under this method are based on a refined sediment delivery model applied by the Commonwealth and Queensland Governments known as the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE).
This method minimises the effects of external influences such as seasonality by using Dynamic Reference Cover Modelling (DRCM).
This method was developed in partnership between Verterra Ecological Engineering, GreenCollar and AgriProve.
For more information, see Eco-markets Australia's post on their website.